Pegs & Jokers Game Sets

Browse our hand-crafted Pegs & Jokers Game Sets by Bark Up A Tree Woodworks. They are available in a variety of woods and colors.

All of the game sets include custom aluminum pegs that are made in the U.S.A., as a result, since the pegs are aluminum, they don’t swell, stick, or break off in the holes. Additionally, every game also includes Bicycle playing cards which are also made in the U.S.A.

All Pegs & Jokers Game Sets includes:

  • 6 Interlocking Game Boards (Each board is 10.5” x 2.5” x 11/16”).
  • 30 Aluminum Pegs in Standard Colors (Blue, Red, Orange, Purple, Green, and Yellow).
  • 3 Decks of Bicycle Standard Playing Cards.
  • A set of rules.
  • 1 Indestructo Box to hold the game set.

Click the button below for the rules for Pegs and Jokers and rule variations.

Pegs & Jokers Rules Button


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