Eastern Red Cedar – Wood of the Month – September 2020
Eastern Red Cedar or is Wood of the Month for September 2022. I only use it in a couple of products but it is very, very popular. It is my best-selling species in Pegs & Jokers Game Sets. I also build a few boxes out of it but with so many knots it’s tough to build bigger items. It is about the only softwood that I consistently use.
Eastern Red Cedar or Tennessee Red Cedar is native to the Eastern United States. The trees are about 100 feet tall and have a diameter of about 3 feet. This species is very slow growing and generally has a very tight grain. Besides the fantastic smell, the grain can come in a variety of patterns. I personally like pieces with a combination of reddish heartwood with white sapwood.
This is another wood that always seems to be available in my area all the time. With primarily building Pegs & Jokers out of it, I can get away with wood that has some knots in it, I just lay it out around the knots. Sometimes the yield out of a board is low because of all the knots. When I find a board that has a lot of clear areas in it I save them for the larger products.
For more information and details on this wood (click here).
Some of My Products Made with Eastern Red Cedar